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Get to know Giulio Laise from Vision Corporate Services!

We asked Giulio Laise, Managing Director at Vision Corporate Services to answer some quick questions! Here are his answers...

1. When you were younger what did you want to be?


2. What is your personal mantra in life?

Work hard, play hard

3. Describe your role in one word.


4. Sweet or Savoury?


5. Who do people say you look like?


6. How can you benefit a customer in your role?

My knowledge and experience

7. What are you working on at the moment?

IPVPN network

8. What animal best represents you?


9. What superpower would you love to have?


10. What’s your least favourite food?

I like everything

11. Which bit of technology would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert


A phone

12. Who would you least like to be stuck in a lift with?

Jeremy Corbyn

13. Do you have any phobias?

It's not a phobia but the sea

14. Describe Vision Corporate Services in one word.




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